Generate employee contract with Airtable

Generate employee contracts with ease by pulling data from Airtable and customizing this Google Docs template.

Struggling to generate employee contract?

Spending hours creating employee contract one by one?

Average business spend 40+ hours monthly on manual employee contract creation

Spending hours creating employee contract one by one?

60% of manually created invoices contain errors

Worried about mistakes in manual data entry?

Your brand deserves better than a copy-paste

Automate employee contract generation with Typeflow

Stop complexifying your process. Copy our template. Map the data. Hit the button. The contract is generated. Focus on what matters

Use our template for employee contract

We built an employee contract for you. Copy it, adjust it to your needs and here you go! We use Google Docs for templating, so no need to learn a new tool!

Map your data with ease between Airtable fields and Google Docs variable

No need for technical skills to do the mapping. In less than 2 minutes you can achieve it!

Hit the button to generate contract

Whenever needed you can generate an employee contract by hitting the button directly in Airtable.

Start for free

Powerful Integrations That Work For You

We built integrations to offer your the best user journey possible.


Airtable Integration

  • Real-time sync
  • Custom field mapping
  • Automatic updates

Google Docs Integration

  • Custom templates
  • Dynamic fields
  • Professional formatting
  • Trigger-based generation
  • Use Airtable automation
  • Bulk PDFs generation (coming soon)

Automation Features